Parth Agrawal

I am a 4th-year computer science and engineering major at UCLA. I am interested in applying deep learning and machine learning to solve problems. At Vision Lab, I am working in the domain of 3D vision and adversarial robustness under the guidance of Dr. Alex Wong and Dr. Stefano Soatto.

Work Experience

Undergraduate Research Assistant, Vision Lab (May’21 – Present)

  • Advised by Dr. Alex Wong and Dr. Stefano Soatto
  • Interested in 3D vision and adversarial robustness
  • Proposed a framework to optimize a single set of adversarial perturbations from a dataset for stereo matching networks generalizable across networks and datasets which can increase D1 error of state-of-the-art stereo networks from 1% to approximately 87%.
  • Investigating architectural defenses to improve robustness of networks to adversarial perturbations by 60.5%.
  • Exploring networks for removing outliers from sparse depth maps generated using lidar

Undergraduate Research Assistant, Laboratory for Embedded Machines and Ubiquitous Robots (July’20 – April’21)

  • Advised by Dr. Ankur Mehta.
  • Tested 433 MHz LoRa, 2.4 GHz ESP32 WIFI, BLE, and 2.4 GHz NRF24l01 modules on latency and signal strength for communication with the blimp.
  • Developed communication pipeline for manual control of lighter than air vehicles using ESP8266 microcontrollers and ESP Now protocol in python and C++.
  • Deployed on-device random forest and fully connected neural network models for image classification on ESP32 microcontrollers using TensorFlow lite.
  • Implemented on-device monocular depth estimation on ESP EYE microcontroller. Website Blogpost

Computer Vision Intern, Tata Singapore Airlines (July’20 – September’20)

  • Explored State-of-the-Art Face Recognition architectures for face recognition as part of DigiYatra, a Government of India program.
  • Developed a pipeline for handwritten text recognition to automate document processing using Tesseract.

Software Engineering Intern, Fuzzy Logix (July’19 – August’19)

  • Created framework to detect fraudulent transactions using graph algorithms.
  • Developed stored procedures in SQL to preprocess data, apply graph algorithms, and visualize the network.

Kiosk Manager and Web Developer, UCLA Athletics Hall of Fame (October’19 – June’20)

  • Provided technical support to the UCLA Athletics, Hall of Fame and maintained kiosk applications.
  • Actively fixed bugs, added test cases, and maintained database of student athletes using shell scripts, MySQL, and Swift.
  • Initiated the transition from legacy code to Swift 5.


  • Zachary Berger*, Parth Agrawal*, Tian Yu Liu, Stefano Soatto, and Alex Wong. Stereoscopic Universal Perturbations across Different Architectures and Datasets. Under Review. (* Equal Contribution)
  • Zhaoliang Zheng, Jiahao Li, Parth Agrawal, Zhao Lei, Aaron John-Sabu, and Ankur Mehta. User Based Design and Evaluation Pipeline for Indoor Airships. 39th IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2022. Under Review.

Student Organizations

Analyst, Bruin Ventures (September’19 – Present)

  • Performed competitive market analysis, suggested UI/UX improvements, and recommended APIs for a healthcare administration and automation startup.
  • Researched digital marketing and developed market entry strategies for a mid-sized event planning startup. Identified target audience and made targeted market expansion plans for each type of event.
  • Acted as a project leader to develop product roadmap and performed SWOT analyses for an energy efficiency startup.
  • Analyzed companies to form potential partnerships for a health tech startup. Determined different use cases for the company’s API suite. Developed python scripts to clean datasets. Website

Aircopter Project, IEEE (September’18 - June’19)

  • In a team of 3, built a quadcopter from scratch using radio module, IMU, motor drivers, and a custom designed PCB
  • Programmed the quadcopter in C++.

MentorSeas (September’19 - June’20)

  • Acted as a mentor and guided freshmen students to navigate through their first year as engineering students at Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Sciences.

Bruin Leaders Project (September’18 - June’19)

  • Attended various seminars on team management, self-management, conflict resolution, public speaking, and nonhierarchical model of leadership.
  • Mentored by the staff of Student Organizations, Leadership, and Engagement (SOLE), UCLA.

Awards and Honors

Member, UPE

  • Member of Upsilon Pi Epsilon, UCLA Computer Science honor society. Top 1/3rd of the class.

Member, HKN

  • Member of Eta Kappa Nu, UCLA Electrical Engineering honor society. Top 1/4th of the class.

Member, TBP

  • Member of Tau Beta Pi, UCLA Engineering honor society. Top 1/8th of the class.

Dean’s List (2018 - 2021)

Forbes Under 30 Scholar (2019)